Thursday, December 24, 2009
While on the way back from Chuck and Fe's place Alex saw a sign for the worlds largest covered wagon... thats my random tourist trap! World largest covered wagon!! lol It was too dark for pictures though.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
9 and 77
So I changed my hair. By change I mean I got it braided. Personally its just to stall to figure out what to do to it while I am here in Springfield. I am very against getting it relaxed, but It a little hard for me when people look at me hair instead of me. But for right now I have adorable braids and will prolly have them until January. If I can stand it. Through December at the very least. My hair totally needed a break! I have this chance to load up on my vitamin E to help it out and I have already planned a full day of deep conditioning when I take it out. I know I know you are thinking, this is an awful lot of blah blah blah about hair... but my hair has kind of been a big deal in my life, well since I was little and realized the different reactions of people when my hair was certain ways. But thats another blog for another day :)
I had these awsome fruit smoothies... like real fruit I made them myself EVERYDAY for a week. My gma made fun of me but she started drinking them too. It made us buy more fruit!!!!
I had these awsome fruit smoothies... like real fruit I made them myself EVERYDAY for a week. My gma made fun of me but she started drinking them too. It made us buy more fruit!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
3 & 41 Finer Things... and gifts!
I joined the Finer Things Club. LOL. Basically its Alex and Tara hosting a dinner while watching something awesome. Its always themed and its by invite only. An I have given 2 or m 5 just because gifts. I gave Tara some French flash cards to help her with her 101 of learning French stuff. and I gave Alex a cookie with Pikachu painted on it... he loves Pika!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lazy...lazy...lazy... NOT!!!!
Ok I haven't done a 101 in a while... that's b/c I'm moving. My life has been work... and packing. I will resume the 101 in Springfield. :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
49. 1pint helps 12 people...
thus I get to be mean to 12 people... but really. I donated blood and it wasnt bad a t all. I think I will do it every couple of months. Its such a little thing that helps so much. Luckly I'm no afraid of needles so I can do it. GO ME!!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
81. Sex and the City
I watched a complete series... I wanted to do it so i could fall in love with a character and everyone should have one show that they love... it was fun and it will be coming to Springfield with me... SanC theme party anyone?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I did it... no fast food for a month! The only down side to it was its so damn convienent! If I'm out somewhere I would feel a little hungry I had to either go home or ride it out. But I eat so little anyway that if I don't eat I get all dizzy and stuff. The only thing I got from fast food places were side salads from Wendy's with no dressing... I hate most of their dressings anyway. But the up side is I have tons more energy.; I'm not saying I'm buzzing around like a bee but I don't feel as sluggish... :) And b/c I'm not eating fast food I dont eat as late so i feel better when I wake up in the mornings. I prolly wont eat as much fast food now after this.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
55. 1 of 5 done.
I worte the story. I just don't know where to put it. I don't want to put them on here, but maybe i should. IDK
Monday, June 22, 2009
52. I got P.R.I.D.E.... do you?
So I helped out at Nashville P.R.I.D.E. this year. I worked the entrance and I was in the artist hospitality suite. Very awesome. It felt good to help the GLBT community. And when it'f for something paotive and fun, it's worth being in 90 and up degree weather from 11 am til 4 pm :) But I think I will do some more stuff over the course of the couple years.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The End...
My Last day is Feb. 15, 2012. Just figured it out. I will post it somewhere on here... maybe even import a count down.
Friday, June 12, 2009
76. WHY WHY WHY(no fast food for a month)
So I am working on the no fast food for a month thing. It's going ok. Its just inconvenient as all hell. But it saves money and is healthier... I guess. But I am going to die! I hate packing lunch for work it is so lame. I can cook dinner but IDK. I still have another 2 weeks before this one is done. I will let you guys know.
6. GOT IT!!!!

Got a camera. Like after 1000 years. I seem to get things after they are owned by EVERYONE! But its just a Kodak Easy Share C813. Now I can have my own pic instead of stealing others! Wooohoooo... just in time for my last months in Nashville and for P.R.I.D.E. And this way I can take pics of the rest of my 101 :) wooo hoooo!!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
31. gotta start somewhere!!!
So I own 2 of the books on my list and bought 5 others. I read the two shorter ones today Through the looking Glass and The Little Prince. I realized I have never read the LP in English. (Thank you French class) and I smoked my Hookah (yes I own one and I was smoking butterscotch flavored stuff) while reading Alice. :). But thats 2 books down and 18 to go. I have also added color coding for in procress goals and completed goals.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
42. DONE!
So while having sushi near my apt. there was a guy having his birthday. Seeing as though my bday was a few days ago I spead some love and paid for his next round of drinks. His friends were shocked and amazed. I thing I will do this one more often if I can afford it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
THE LIST!!!!!!!
So one of my best friends in the world Tara gave me and some of my friends the bright idea to do 101 thing in 1001 days. Like newish things we have never done, or things that we want to do more of or whatever. I wanted to start mine on my 25th bday... but my freaking Internet was out. So here we are. Today I post the list and we let it begin:
In Progress
Self Improvement
1. Get F.O.I.D. Card
2. Get a Fishing License
3. Join the Finer Things Club
4. Get an Apartment in Springfield
5. Visit Grandpa's grave
6. Get a camera
7. Have a picnic
8. Subscribe to a paper
9. Change hair style every 6 months (1/5)
10. Contribute to my Alumni Association
11. Keep a change jar
12. Adopt a dog
13. Go to the east coast
14. Go to a spa
15. Go to a destination unknown
16. Take a roadtrip
17. Go to the west coast
18. Go to an island
19. Go to Navy Pier
20. Go to a Winery
21. Go Camping
22. Go to TSU Homecoming
23. Go to 5 Capital cities (0/5)
24. Take a ballet class
25. Take a painting class
26. Learn to play a song on the piano
27. Learn conversational Spanish
28. Learn to make sushi
29. Take a class unrelated to anything I know
30. Read the whole NIV Bible
31. Read 20 books on the 1001 book list (
~The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy
~Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
~Cocaine Nights – J.G. Ballard
~Trainspotting – Irvine Welsh
~The Virgin Suicides – Jeffrey Eugenides
~The Black Dahlia – James Ellroy
~Matigari – Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
~Perfume – Patrick Süskind
~Queer – William Burroughs
~Blood and Guts in High School – Kathy Acker
~The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test – Tom Wolfe
~A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess
~Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Truman Capote
~The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
~Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There – Lewis Carroll
~Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
~Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lonely – Harriet Beecher Stowe
~Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray
~Dangerous Liaisons – Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
~The Thousand and One Nights – Anonymous
32. Make 25 Turtles A.Y.A.T?(4/25)
33.Learn to BBQ
34. Learn Hello in 10 languages (0/10)
35. Learn to make 10 quick meals (0/10)
36. Learn 5 phrase in 5 languages that aren't French
37. Learn to jump a car
38. Take a self defense class
39. Go to a different P.R.I.D.E.
40. Do and do about 5000
41. Get people 5 just because gifts (2/5)
42. Buy a meal or coffee for a stranger
43. Volunteer with the Girl Scouts of America
44. Write 3 freelance articles (0/3)
45. Volunteer at a Museum
46. Volunteer with the Phoenix Center
47. Show loved ones how to celebrate Kwanzaa
48. Go to 2 LHS games (2/2)
49. Donate blood
50. Work with a suicide hotline
51. Clean a park
52. help with GLBT safety and awareness (1/?)
53. Write a song and preform it at an open mic
54. Do open mic poetry
55. Write 5 short stories (5/5)
56. Enter an Art Fair
57. create 20 paintings (2/20)
58. Create 30 pieces of jewelry
59. Make a piece of clothing
60. Re purpose a piece of furniture
61. Hang out with my lil brother for a day without fighting
62. Treat a parent to dinner
63. Keep a garden going with grandma
64. See all 5 siblings in one years time
65. Take 5 friends on "friend dates"(1/5)
66. Go hunting with Shane
67. Take friends to a Unitarian church
68. Make mom and sister eat sushi
69. Run a half marathon
70. Run a marathon
71. Do 10 military grad push ups
72. Run a 5k
73. Run a 10k
74. Take a pole dancing class
75. Join a gym
76. No fast food for a month
77. eat fruit everyday for a week
78. play tennis again
79. Get a full check up
80. Keep the Springfield 365 blog up
81. Watch a full tv series
82. Go to a roller derby
83. Play full 18 holes of golf
84. Host Breakfast at Tiffany's Themed party
85. See a Cabrera
86. Go to a pow wow
87. Host 5 other themed parties (0/5)
88. Organize a bar crawl
89. Go to Shakespeare Fest
90. Go to a random tourist trap
91. Get my book of poetry finished and published
92. Start my Masters Program
93. Write a Living Will
94. Put back $2 for every goal I reach
95. Visit the Gulf
96. Throw a surprise party
97. Surprise someone with a visit
98. Teach someone to play clarinet
99. Wear Make Up everyday for a week
100. Treat grandma to a day of awesomeness
101. Make another list
In Progress
Self Improvement
1. Get F.O.I.D. Card
2. Get a Fishing License
3. Join the Finer Things Club
4. Get an Apartment in Springfield
5. Visit Grandpa's grave
6. Get a camera
7. Have a picnic
8. Subscribe to a paper
9. Change hair style every 6 months (1/5)
10. Contribute to my Alumni Association
11. Keep a change jar
12. Adopt a dog
13. Go to the east coast
14. Go to a spa
15. Go to a destination unknown
16. Take a roadtrip
17. Go to the west coast
18. Go to an island
19. Go to Navy Pier
20. Go to a Winery
21. Go Camping
22. Go to TSU Homecoming
23. Go to 5 Capital cities (0/5)
24. Take a ballet class
25. Take a painting class
26. Learn to play a song on the piano
27. Learn conversational Spanish
28. Learn to make sushi
29. Take a class unrelated to anything I know
30. Read the whole NIV Bible
31. Read 20 books on the 1001 book list (
~The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy
~Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
~Cocaine Nights – J.G. Ballard
~Trainspotting – Irvine Welsh
~The Virgin Suicides – Jeffrey Eugenides
~The Black Dahlia – James Ellroy
~Matigari – Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
~Perfume – Patrick Süskind
~Queer – William Burroughs
~Blood and Guts in High School – Kathy Acker
~The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test – Tom Wolfe
~A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess
~Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Truman Capote
~The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
~Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There – Lewis Carroll
~Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
~Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lonely – Harriet Beecher Stowe
~Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray
~Dangerous Liaisons – Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
~The Thousand and One Nights – Anonymous
32. Make 25 Turtles A.Y.A.T?(4/25)
33.Learn to BBQ
34. Learn Hello in 10 languages (0/10)
35. Learn to make 10 quick meals (0/10)
36. Learn 5 phrase in 5 languages that aren't French
37. Learn to jump a car
38. Take a self defense class
39. Go to a different P.R.I.D.E.
40. Do and do about 5000
41. Get people 5 just because gifts (2/5)
42. Buy a meal or coffee for a stranger
43. Volunteer with the Girl Scouts of America
44. Write 3 freelance articles (0/3)
45. Volunteer at a Museum
46. Volunteer with the Phoenix Center
47. Show loved ones how to celebrate Kwanzaa
48. Go to 2 LHS games (2/2)
49. Donate blood
50. Work with a suicide hotline
51. Clean a park
52. help with GLBT safety and awareness (1/?)
53. Write a song and preform it at an open mic
54. Do open mic poetry
55. Write 5 short stories (5/5)
56. Enter an Art Fair
57. create 20 paintings (2/20)
58. Create 30 pieces of jewelry
59. Make a piece of clothing
60. Re purpose a piece of furniture
61. Hang out with my lil brother for a day without fighting
62. Treat a parent to dinner
63. Keep a garden going with grandma
64. See all 5 siblings in one years time
65. Take 5 friends on "friend dates"(1/5)
66. Go hunting with Shane
67. Take friends to a Unitarian church
68. Make mom and sister eat sushi
69. Run a half marathon
70. Run a marathon
71. Do 10 military grad push ups
72. Run a 5k
73. Run a 10k
74. Take a pole dancing class
75. Join a gym
76. No fast food for a month
77. eat fruit everyday for a week
78. play tennis again
79. Get a full check up
80. Keep the Springfield 365 blog up
81. Watch a full tv series
82. Go to a roller derby
83. Play full 18 holes of golf
84. Host Breakfast at Tiffany's Themed party
85. See a Cabrera
86. Go to a pow wow
87. Host 5 other themed parties (0/5)
88. Organize a bar crawl
89. Go to Shakespeare Fest
90. Go to a random tourist trap
91. Get my book of poetry finished and published
92. Start my Masters Program
93. Write a Living Will
94. Put back $2 for every goal I reach
95. Visit the Gulf
96. Throw a surprise party
97. Surprise someone with a visit
98. Teach someone to play clarinet
99. Wear Make Up everyday for a week
100. Treat grandma to a day of awesomeness
101. Make another list
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