Monday, September 6, 2010


So Champaign Urbana had their first P.R.I.D.E! It was fun. Me and some friends hoped in a car and went to support. There were great vendors, great performances, and the club was amazing too. Felt like I was in college aging!

20 WINE!!!!!

I went to Hill Prarie Winery and it was amazing. Did a wine tasting, had lunch, walked around a bit. The place is awesome and I slick want to have my wedding there... you know if i ever get married!!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

#78 Just call me Venus... but don't

#78 Start playing tennis again

So I've been playing tennis this summer with my buddy Alex, and sometimes our buddy Keith (you are a nerd if you giggled).

I could stand to play more but I would need a constant partner and my racket would ahve to stay with me as oppose to leaving it in places. But I've played more than twice so that counts lol!

#29 N... N... N... Nia!

#29 Take a class unrelated to anything I know.

So I took a "Nia" class with my buddies Lynne and Kelly.

Nia was like a combo of yoga, aerobics, dance, and I don't know really. But what I do know is it was amazing and I felt great afterward. There was no asthma attack in the middle of it and the instructor let you do everything at you own pace.

I wish I could afford to keep going, but it's just not in the budget at the moment.

Monday, June 14, 2010

53. I'm a rocks star!

53. Write a song and preform it at an open mic

Ok, so it wasn't an open mic night. It was actually a show for someone and I opened for him! It was pretty awesome and I sang all originals. I'm thinking i should keep it up!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

#7 Picnic

HAd an awesome picnic with my buddy Keith and his dogs!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So its almost been a year and I still have more than 600 days to go on my list. But I'm only like 14% of the way through. So I decided to change some stuff on the list to be a lil more realistic and stuff that I have seen and would like to do on my own list!

88. Tweet Up and bar crawl

So I help organize a bar crawl and it was a success. I think everyone had fun, there were t shirts, we went to like 6 bars (hey gotta start slow) and it was sooooo much fun!!!! (Gotta do it again :) )

Friday, February 5, 2010

48. Duh I have School Spirit.

I went to 2 LHS Basket ball games. A random freshman game and a City Tournament game! And that was weeks ago. I need to keep track better!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

75 Joined!!!

So I joined a gym! Cardinal Fitness. Super cheap not too many fees. The only down side is no pool . I can swim for hours and burn calories. But my first day of working out is Monday. But at least I joined! The best part is I joined with friends. So we will see how it goes.